3 Types of A/B Tests for Email

Mar 23, 2017 | Email Marketing

For most marketers, email marketing is all about increasing open rates, click rates and conversion rates. But the big question is - how can we do this?

3 Types of A/B Tests for Email

For most marketers, email marketing is all about increasing open rates, click rates and conversion rates. But the big question is - how can we do this? The great thing about email marketing is that A/B testing capabilities are automatically built in to most platforms, making optimization easier than ever!

A/B testing allows you to change one variable while keeping all other variables constant. For example, you can create two identical emails and send them at different times. This will allow you to determine which time is more optimal for your particular audience! Read on to learn more about 3 popular A/B tests for email marketing.

3 A/B Tests

1. Subject Line

The subject line is arguably one of the most important features of an email. That is why it is the most popular type of A/B test. When you A/B test your subject line, you will be focusing on which email produces the higher open rate, therefore you can determine which subject line was more intriguing. To properly A/B test your subject line, you will want to create two unique and rather different subject lines. You won’t get as much bang for your buck when A/B testing “March E-newsletter” vs. “March News”. Instead, diversify it more and A/B test “March E-Newsletter” vs. “How to Get the Most out of Your Tax Returns”. This will tell you if your audience is more intrigued by a monthly update or a specific topic.

2. Email Content

The second A/B test you can conduct focuses on the content of the email itself. Here, you will want to pay attention to which email produces the higher click rate. We don’t recommend changing all of the email content. Instead, focus on a specific section or article. You can modify words, images, or calls to action between email A and email B. Your stats will reveal which type of content is more appealing to your audience.

3. Send Time

The final A/B test to try is send time. Testing your send date or time will help you determine when your subscribers are most likely to open and click. Therefore, you should pay attention to both open rates and click rates. You might notice that your subscribers are most likely to open and click your emails on Tuesday afternoons. You might even discover that while your subscribers open your emails more on Monday mornings, they are more likely to click on Monday afternoons. This will allow you to identify the days and times that are best for your audience.

Keep in mind that you should only A/B test one variable at a time. Overlapping tests will muddle your data and make it difficult for you to identify a winner. If you need assistance with A/B testing your emails, contact Informatics Inc. today.

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