Influencer Marketing: The New Affiliate Trend

Sep 12, 2017 | Affiliate Marketing

In today's digital world, a large amount of word of mouth marketing takes place online.This affiliate trend is called influencer marketing, and it's used to boost sales and name recognition.

Influencer Marketing

In today's digital world, a large amount of word of mouth marketing takes place online. From checking into a restaurant on Facebook to tweeting about the release of a new gaming system, people are influencing their followers through the web. Companies continue to find that word of mouth is a powerful digital marketing tool when celebrities and thought leaders use it. This affiliate trend is called influencer marketing, and it's used to boost sales and name recognition. Two of the most effective types of online influencers are social media influencers and content influencers.

Social Media Influencers

Social media influencers are thought leaders with large followings who regularly post on various platforms like Instagram and Twitter. They range from celebrities to leaders in small niche markets. According to Twitter, 49% of consumers look to social media influencers for guidance on purchase decisions. This opens up opportunities for companies to work with influencers on marketing campaigns. Collaborating with people who have large, loyal followings on social media is effective because consumers tend to trust the opinions and recommendations of influencers they follow. In fact, nearly 40% of Twitter users say they've made a purchase as a direct result of an influencer's tweet, and 71% of consumers are more likely to make a purchase based on a social media reference. Social media influencers are also always aiming to strengthen their personal brands, so they typically weave marketing content into their regular feeds in ways that look organic.

Content Influencers

Content influencers are people who create digital content such as YouTube videos and blogs. Their content is often geared toward specific audiences, which makes them the perfect influencers to work with on targeted marketing campaigns. For instance, hotels and airlines might work with a travel blogger to gain exposure and promote offers. Content influencers are seen as experts in their areas, so partnering with them can strengthen your brand reputation among focused groups of consumers that are likely to be interested in your products. According to a 2016 TapInfluence study, influencer marketing content delivers an ROI that is 11 times higher than traditional forms of digital marketing. 

If you're interested in a more innovative approach to affiliate marketing, make sure to look into influencer marketing. You might be one great partnership away from reaching your ideal consumer audience. For assistance with influencer marketing and other aspects of your affiliate program, contact Informatics.

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