Search engine optimization (SEO) is an ongoing process that requires constant monitoring and adapting for the best possible results. Below are 8 SEO quick tips which you can begin immediately in order to improve your SEO. Some of these tasks can be completed in 5 minutes while others take a little more time. However, it is important to remember that you will not see results overnight.
1) Create a Google+ Page
Google+ is Google’s social media site and is great for SEO. The number of “+1’s” your page has is factored in to your ranking on search engine results pages (SERPs). Create a Google+ page and be sure to include your location and contact information for mapping purposes. Also, write a keyword-rich bio and link your page to your company website.
2) Create Landing Pages for 3-5 Targeted Keywords
Sit down with your company stakeholders and brainstorm 3-5 targeted keywords for which you would like to be found for. Create specific landing pages on your website for each of these keywords and optimize them. You can optimize these landing pages by using the particular keyword 3-5 times in the page content and incorporating it into the HTML tags, such as Meta descriptions.
3) Add Alt Text to All Images on Your Site
Every page on your website should have an image in order to help your SEO. Each image should have alt text, an HTML tag that allows you to describe what is in the picture so that search engines can index this information. You will want to make sure that this alt text is both descriptive and keyword-rich.
4) Title your Blog With a Long-Tail Keyword Phrase
Long-tail keyword phrases are those longer phrases that you type into Google, such as “How do I change the tire on my car?” More people are typing these phrases into Google, looking for an exact answer to their query. Conduct some research to see what long-tail keyword phrases people are typing about your products or services and write a blog answering the question. Make sure to use the exact phrase as the blog title to increase your chances of ranking.
5) Link back to Your Website From Your Social Media Sites
Links are seen as votes by search engines. The great thing about social media sites is that you control the links. Create original content, like blogs or videos, share them on your social media sites and link back to your website.
6) Submit Your Website to a Relevant Directory
Directories are website listings by category and can be paid or free. Submit your website to one or more relevant directories. This will provide you with more link juice and place your company page in front of interested parties.
7) Are You Local? Include Location in Your Page Titles
Page titles are vital to SEO and there are several rules that go along with creating them. They must be under 70 characters, include keywords, describe what is on the page, and be unique from other page titles on your site. Another thing you can do to optimize your site through your page titles, is to include location, if applicable. If you are a local business, including your city or state will help people your rankings for local searches.
8) Get Responsive Design
Google is now penalizing websites that are not responsive because of the high number of users accessing the web via smartphones and tablets. Not only will you be less likely to show up in search engines, but without responsive design, users will have a less than optimal experience when accessing your site from their mobile devices, decreasing the amount of time they’ll stay on your site.