What We Do


To deliver impressive results for our business partners through web technologies.


By doing amazing work and building long-lasting and deep relationships, we improve ourselves, our clients, and the communities we love.

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Our Values

Values are the principles and standards of behavior that guide our thinking and actions, the foundation for why we exist.

People First

We value people above all else. We know that if we hire the best, brightest and kindest, they will provide a “wow” experience for our clients. We provide an experience where people feel valued and are better for having joined Informatics.

Wow the Client

Clients have a “wow” experience that they are excited to share with others due to the value we provided through our people, processes and results. Clients feel known, appreciated and above all, can’t imagine doing business without having Informatics as a partner.

Improve & Innovate

We constantly look for efficiencies and opportunities to eliminate waste in our processes and practices through a process improvement mindset. We constantly look for innovative and creative solutions and enjoy charting new territory, leading the way in our industry.

Grow the Business

We focus on purposeful and intentional growth. We anticipate change, client needs, and potential challenges and are continually looking towards the future to stay ahead of our competition. We grow to continue to improve lives and give back to our community.

Give Back

We love our community where we live and raise our families and know we are all better by giving back. We give back to our community through our time, projects and resources.

Who We Are

Meet the Team

Our talented & experienced team delivers amazing results.

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John Osako

President & CEO

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Stacie Osako

Chief Experience Officer

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Dan Rieck

Project Director

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Megan Thomas

Business Growth Director

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Sara Kuennen

Digital Marketing Director

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Jeff Stephens

Web + Design Director

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Kyle Kew

Technology Director, ROC-P Chief Technology Officer

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Chris Gray

Media Producer

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Casey Franks

Senior Network Engineer

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Kaisha Billings

ROC-P Solutions Analyst

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Austin Grote

Graphic + Web Designer

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Aaron Rowland

ROC-P Solutions Developer

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Amanda Hoffmann

Digital Marketing Strategist

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Joe Milbach

ROC-P Solutions Developer

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Adam Moore

Content Manager

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Isabelle Fiester

Digital Marketer

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Haley Johnson

Digital Content Specialist

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Melissa White


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Danica Forsyth

Lead Digital Marketing Project Manager

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Kaylie Pitts

Digital Marketing Analyst

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Kossi Bolouvi

IT Administrator

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Lorilei Christner

ROC-P Chief Operating Officer

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Gregg Hopkins

Senior Digital Marketer

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Erin Gehant

ROC-P Client Success Manager

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David Frank

Project Manager

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Julia Crowley

ROC-P Business Growth Director

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Misti Dinzy

Web Developer

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Jennifer Slaymaker

Account Manager

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Whitney DeLancey

Business Growth Specialist

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Ryann Ridder

Project Coordinator



Frank Osako


Maureen Osako



Looking to Join a Great Team?

We are always on the lookout for talented people to join our amazing team!

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