What are Page Titles?
Page Titles are HTML tags which define the title of a webpage. A page title is the main text that describes a page on your website and is required for all HTML documents. They are one of the most important on-page factors for SEO, playing a large role in your ranking potential.
Where do Page Titles Appear?
Page Titles appear in three primary locations to communicate to search engines and visitors what they can expect to find on a given webpage.
1) Browser Tab
2) SERPs (Search Engine Results Pages)
3) External Websites
Best Practices for Writing Page Titles
- Every page must have a page title
- No page title should be the same as another
- All page titles should be between 50 and 60 Characters
- All page titles should include a targeted keyword
- Place the targeted keyword at the beginning of the page title if possible
- Include branding if appropriate
Search Engine Optimization |Informatics Inc. - Include location if relevant
Search Engine Optimization | Informatics Inc. | Cedar Rapids - Do not make the page title the same as the H1 tag
- Use pipes instead of commas
Search Engine Optimization | Informatics Inc.
Search Engine Optimization, Informatics Inc.
Source: Moz