3 Questions To Launch Your Paid Advertising Campaign

Feb 8, 2017 | Google Ads

88% Of the U.S. Population is Online. Ask these simple questions to get started advertising to them!

Paid Advertising Campaign

TV and Radio Advertising were once king, but with 88% of the U.S. population using the Internet (Pew Research), you can’t afford to ignore Digital Advertising. With the number of choices available, getting started with online advertising can be daunting, but there are a few simple questions you can ask to get you started:

Where are my customers/prospects?

Retail marketers understand that 69% of people are conducting research online before purchasing. Even if you aren’t running a retail campaign, think of how your customers research products and services and then find the platform that fits your needs. Here are a of couple examples:

  1. My customers are researching different prices on shoes before purchasing: Google Shopping

  2. I want to target customers researching how to change their tires: Google Search

  3. My leads have been visiting my site and not registering for our services. I want to reach out to them after they have left my site: Google Display and Social Media Advertising

  4. I have customers that are using coupon and cashback sites to find the latest deals: Affiliate Marketing

What do I want people to do on my site?

This is a vital question because it will frame the rest of your campaign. Start with identifying whether you want to give more exposure to a product with a branding campaign, gain leads with form submissions or call campaigns, or just drive sales.

When you answer this, your web developer will be able to help you set up Conversion Goals. Similar to setting up goals to boost your SEO, Conversion Goals allow you to track when your prospects have completed a transaction or entered their information by pushing them to a page that has a unique tracking code attached.

What are my Key Performance Indicators (KPI)

In the world of big data, there are so many to choose from! You will want to track multiple KPIs to ensure that you are getting the information you need about the true performance of the campaign. Try using your answers to number two above to narrow down the types of data that are available and benchmark them against industry data. Here are a couple suggestions from Google AdWords and Analytics to get you started:

  • Average Cost Per Click (CPC)
  • Average Click Through Rate (CTR)
  • Return on Ad Spend (ROAS)
  • Average Position
  • Bounce Rate
  • Pages Per Session
  • % New Sessions
  • Conversion Rate

  • These basic questions will give you a good foundation to stand on as you start your adventure into the Digital Marketing World. Whether you are just getting started or trying new ways to expand your online efforts, Contact Informatics today. Our digital marketing team is ready to help you advertise with Social Media, Google, Affiliate Marketing, and so much more!

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