Maintaining a blog for your company’s website can be challenging. Keeping a consistent schedule, coming up with relevant topics and creating powerful titles are just a few challenges that come to mind. So how do you avoid the inevitable writer’s block? Sometimes it is impossible to avoid altogether. However, there are things you can do when it hits to get back on track without skipping a beat.
1. Visit Your Favorite Blog Sites
If you’re struggling with identifying a topic, spend some time perusing your favorite blog sites. Recent and popular blog posts from your favorite websites may help to inspire some ideas. In addition, you can then use those blogs as sources in your article!
2. Talk to Your Colleagues
Brainstorming with a group of people is one of the best ways to come up with blog topics. Sometimes we just aren’t in a creative state and we need a little help getting there. Gather a brainstorming team together in your conference room or shoot an email to coworkers asking for blog topic ideas. There may be relevant topics you would never have thought up without the help of new perspectives within your company. You’ll be surprised by the feedback you get!
3. Go for a Walk
Often times, going for a walk to clear your head is all you need to get those creative juices flowing. If you just cannot think of a good blog topic, step away from your computer and take a stroll. According to a study by Stanford researchers, creative thinking improves while a person is walking and shortly after. So, it’s a scientifically proven method for thinking outside the box!
4. Skim Your Website Content
It might feel like a great blog topic is at the tip of your tongue. After all, you know so much about your industry; surely you can come up with something! If you’re feeling this way, give your website content a quick skim. Reviewing web content may be enough to spark a few new ideas.
Now you’re ready to stop making excuses and start making great content! If you need assistance with content development or blog maintenance, contact Informatics Inc. today.