The (Digital Agency) Things We're Thankful For

Nov 12, 2021 | Inside Informatics

'Tis the season to give thanks, so we asked a few members of the Informatics team to reflect on our core values and offer up their thoughts on what they're professionally thankful for.


Here at Informatics, we’re proud of the five core values that tie our teams together and keep us focused on clients’ needs. In the spirit of our first value, Put People First, we’ve been asking our teams to reflect on what they’re thankful for this year, and posting their responses across our various channels, like Facebook and Instagram.

For this week’s blog, we asked a few members to dig a little deeper and think about what they’ve been most grateful for professionally this year, whether it’s fun social trends, new SEO developments or cool clients. Hopefully this spurs a little reflection on your part – what has inspired or rejuvenated you professionally this busy year? We hope your list is long.

Chris, Our Media Director

When I was asked to write up a blurb about the things I am thankful for, I at first drew a blank. What am I thankful for? Family, of course. My health, absolutely. Fresh air and sunshine, bring it on. Comfortable home and a short commute – whipped cream with a cherry on top.

If I were to narrow it down a bit, I would say that I’m thankful for a workplace that values people. I am thankful for the ability to collaborate with a creative team. I am thankful for the trust our clients place in us to tell their stories and help fulfill their mission. More or less, I am thankful for a job that I love and to be able to work alongside so many talented individuals to solve problems and exceed our client expectations.

Chris Gray, Media Director
Sue Boeckmann, Project Manager

Sue, Our Project Manager

I’m thankful for the long-lasting relationships we build with our clients, and the confidence they place in us to provide a full array of services—even beyond what they might have originally pictured or expected. It’s less transactional, and more of a partnership that allows us to truly collaborate with them to reach their goals, whether that means a new website or a marketing campaign, and that’s truly rewarding! We’re a small but mighty team here, and we’re thankful for each and every client we bring into the Informatics family! 

Casey, Our Senior Network Engineer

There are so many things that I am thankful for this year. I am thankful to be working with such a great team that keeps on getting stronger. I am thankful for the encouragement and support from Informatics to continue to grow my skills as an individual. I will give one more thank you out to my family for being understanding and supportive whenever I need to jump on a call to help my team members and clients.

Casey Franks, Senior Network Engineer
Carrie Karkosh, Business Growth & Marketing Coordinator

Carrie, Our Business Growth & Marketing Coordinator

Being in sales is not for everyone. Some find great motivation in landing a deal, while others wouldn’t flinch at the thought of negotiating for a living. I have found that being in sales at Informatics is more than just closing that big deal. It’s about building relationships; learning something new; finding a way to help someone; growing as an individual and as a team.

Informatics provides many opportunities to grow personally and professionally. I’m thankful they have strong company values and provide opportunities for growth at all levels. I love working for a small family-owned business that was built on relationships. Although there are separate teams in the company, I love that we all truly feel like one family, one team. 

Adam, Our Senior Writer & Storyteller

I joined Informatics back in January, and as the year winds down, I’m probably most thankful professionally for the creativity that comes with working at Informatics. From blog posts to video scripts to web copy, every day is a fun and different challenge as a writer, and I’m thankful for the opportunity to stretch my legs, so to speak. It’s already made me a better creative professional, and I’m excited to leverage my skills to help tell our clients’ stories.

I’ll get in trouble if I don’t add that I’m especially thankful for my wonderful wife Ashley and our 7-month old son, Davis! Life is good.

Adam Moore, Senior Writer & Storyteller
Isabelle Fiester, Digital Marketing Coordinator

Isabelle, Our Digital Marketing Coordinator 

Graduating and job hunting during the midst of a global pandemic wasn't ideal, but I'm thankful it helped point me in the direction of Informatics. There were plenty of interviews where I left feeling discouraged and lost, but after my first interview with Informatics, I knew that this was the job for me, and I was going to fit in seamlessly within the company.

I am especially thankful to work at a place where I am encouraged and feel comfortable to express myself, quirks and all. Like others have said, it's equally important to grow both professionally and personally here at Informatics. Although we all work together to grow both our client's business and our own, we also work together to "Put People First” and build genuine friendships and long-lasting memories. After typing that, I feel cheesy, but it's true!

Now that you've read what we're thankful for it's time for you to reflect on what you're thankful for, both yourself and your business. Anything missing? We'd be thankful for the chance to earn your business. Give us a ring and we'd be happy to help you find what you're looking for. 

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