Iowa's Leader in Digital Marketing

You've worked hard to build your company's online presence, but there comes a time when you need a team to achieve your biggest goals. Our seasoned team of marketing, web, and media experts can build a digital strategy tailored to your business, and help you drive the results you really want.

Founded in 1998, we are an award-winning digital marketing agency offering the following services from our long-time headquarters in Cedar Rapids:

  • Comprehensive Marketing & PR
  • Web Analytics & Reporting
  • Website Design & Development
  • Media & Video Production
  • AWS Hosting & Cloud Services

Whether you just need an audit of your current efforts or a full-service team to take your project from start to finish, we're here for it. Fill out the form on this page or contact us, and let's boost your business!

Proud to be the Best in the Corridor

We're proud to announce that Informatics has been named the Cedar Rapids-Iowa City Corridor's Best PR/Marketing Agency, Best Web/App Developer, and Best Photographer/Videographer by the Corridor Business Journal!

These awards were completely driven by write-in votes from our loyal clients, so a huge thank you for your vote of confidence in our capabilities.

We pledged to Buy 319

Informatics has also proudly pledged to Buy 319 - the Cedar Rapids Metro Economic Alliance's mission to increase local business support. We're proud to support other Iowa companies and promote a thriving business climate in our home state!

Hear from some of our amazing local clients

Alex Kline of Shive-Hattery shares her experience working with the Informatics team. Check out some of our other local client testimonials!

Just a few of our Iowa-based clients

Ready to take your business to the next level?

We're ready to help. One quick call or form fill is all it takes to get the process started.

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