When it comes to selecting a content management system for your website, there is no “one size fits all”. Each content management system (CMS) has its advantages and disadvantages. Additionally, your unique business goals and desires will determine which CMS is right for you. While the most popular CMS on the market today, WordPress, is a great option for a lot of small businesses, it does have one major disadvantage: WordPress is extremely vulnerable to hacking.
3 Reasons Why Your WordPress Site is Likely to Get Hacked
It is not our intention to scare you out of using a WordPress CMS. On the contrary, we want you to understand that WordPress websites require an extra level of attention. Many business owners opt for WordPress because it is inexpensive, extremely popular and easy-to-use and boasts a large marketplace of add-ons. However, these reasons are exactly why WordPress is the most hacked CMS. According to Data security firm, Imperva’s fifth annual Web Application Attack report (WAAR), WordPress websites were attacked 24.1% more than sites running on all other CMS platforms combined (Security Week). Here are three reasons why that may be the case:
1. Extreme Popularity
Unfortunately, popularity comes at a price. The more popular an application or platform becomes; the more hackers have to gain from it. If a hacker is aiming to steal data or confidential information, it is most fruitful for him or her to target the platform which has the most data and confidential information included.
2. Out-of-Date Plugins
In addition to its large user-base, WordPress websites are often hacked due to their out-of-date plugins (Softpedia). Most WordPress websites come standard with little functionality. Business owners like WordPress because they can pick and choose from an assortment of add-ons to build their website to their exact specifications. However, webmasters need to update these plugins when new versions become available. And what happens if they don’t? They continue using outdated, hackable add-ons; an endless gold mine for hackers.
3. Unreliable Hosts
While this is not always the case, we do see that some website owners looking to save money opt for WordPress. In an effort to save even more money, they may decide to host their website with low-cost companies, such as GoDaddy and BlueHost. The major disadvantage to hosting with a large, inexpensive service is the lack of hands-on technical support you receive. Although the cost may be a bit more, hosting with a local business will ensure that your website receives the attention it deserves. Keeping your most important assets safe from malicious attacks with a security team that offers 24/7 monitoring will ensure that your site is operating securely.
If you have decided to move forward with a WordPress content management system, that’s okay! Informatics has extensive experience working with WordPress websites. The key to protecting your website is keeping your plugins up-to-date and working with a trusted provider. If you are interested in learning about the pros and cons of other content management systems, you can read our comparison report or contact Informatics to speak with a consultant.