Almost anyone can create a company logo. But if you want to do it right in the design world and make it unique to your brand, it requires a great amount of artistic skill and insight. As a web and marketing agency, too often we see clients falling into the trap of rushing a new logo design and coming up with overused, outdated concepts for designing their logo. Take a look at these trends that you may want to avoid in the future:
1. Using an Arc:
Now the first thing we will say is that the concept of using an arc within your logo is not necessarily a bad one. The arc is a great symbol that indicates progress and movement toward success. However, it is overused in the exact same way among so many companies out there that we strongly encourage avoiding it if you’d like to maintain a unique brand identity. If the concept of using an arc seems the absolute best solution for portraying what your brand is all about, at least take the time to consider other ways you can visually translate the idea of what the arc is supposed to represent for you. Complex concepts made simple is very much the hardest part of a designer's job but it is well worth it in the end if you can do it right.
2. Letter Overlaps:
This is not a new trend which gives you all the more reason to let it go. Overlapping the first two capital letters of your logo is a concept to avoid at all costs. Lawyers and business firms are the first examples we think of when this logo trend comes to mind. It is one of the first ideas that most non-designers will turn to which is why you should immediately tap into a more unique concept.
3. Random Dots:
This trend is an unusual one and it’s difficult to explain why it has become a trend in the first place, hence why it is on this list. We’ve seen quite a bit of logos that incorporate random colored dots (some in no particular order) to make the logo as a whole seem more diverse compared to competitors. However, in most cases this is simply a lazy way to reflect that diversity. When you try to add basic design elements that really have no meaning to a logo, its representation becomes lost. It becomes even more lost when a million other logos use this exact same concept. Take the extra time to brainstorm all the creative elements you can complement your logo with and reflect on exactly why they add meaning.
4. Graphs:
Similar to the arc, a graph that goes up and to the right may mean you’re successful, but it’s also a concept that has lost meaning due to its excessive use. Using a graph as your logo will not show anything unique about your business. Try using other techniques to indicate the success of your business.
5. Chat Bubbles:
It seems that every other social application logo uses a chat bubble within it. This is a great concept for getting across what your social brand is about, but because it is used so much already in all the current major apps, it is best to avoid this trend completely. Experiment new ways to turn the concept of a chat bubble so that your company logo is the one that undeniably stands out against all the rest.
Now consider all of these trends together: what do they have in common? They are all super easy to replicate which explains why they are so overused. There is a difference between quality, creative designers and the ones who are lazy or considerably short on project time. Your logo is the face of your company and should be handled by the experts! Contact Informatics today to get started on your redesign and we’ll get those creative gears turning.