How to Re-Share Old Social Media Posts

Jul 30, 2024 | Social Media

Take a look at our tips on how you can easily re-share old social media posts without driving away your followers.

How to Re-Share Old Social Media Posts

We've all experienced it. You sit in front of your computer, ready to start creating next month's social media content calendar. You roll through the first batch of posts and then suddenly, nothing. You sit staring at the blinking cursor as you rack your brain for ideas. 10 minutes pass… 15… you begin to sweat as you feel the pressure of that looming deadline. 

Coming up with fresh, new content month after month is no easy task, and getting stuck in these content ruts is completely understandable. Thankfully there's a way that will not only help you save time but also help get yourself out of this headspace, and that's re-purposing and sharing content you've already created.  

“But won’t this make our followers feel like they’re being spammed and drive them away?”  

In all likelihood, they didn’t see your original post in the first place. A tweet has a lifespan of 15 minutes, and Facebook posts reach only 6% of your audience, on average. 

But don’t just play the numbers; your existing content needs to be deployed with a thoughtful strategy. And if you end up doing it correctly, you should see more traffic, more reshares, and more engagement

Why Should You Share Old Posts Again?

Beyond the idea of convenience, there are plenty of other reasons why you should consider archiving and resharing older social posts: 

  • Increase post reach. This might be a bit obvious but the more you share a post, the higher the chance that different people are going to see it. This helps build engagement and generate more traffic for your page. According to this survey, successful content marketers are 38% more likely to re-purpose and re-post content.
  • Reach new followers. Anyone that is new to following your brand has most likely missed out on your older posts. Help make it easier to see them by putting that content back in front of their faces. 
  • Hit different time zones. If you have a global audience, resharing is especially important. While you might have originally posted at a time that is perfect for people in Los Angeles, it's definitely not ideal for those in London. This digital strategy works to make sure your entire audience has the chance to see the content you're putting out.
  • Timeliness: You'll always want to keep your eye out for what's becoming trendy or relevant. A topic that you've already written a blog or post about could become timely again. This is the perfect chance to beat the competition and reshare what you've already created.
  • Data Collection: Resharing content is the perfect time to run an A/B test. Sharing the same content with one variable is like running a science experiment on your content. Change the headline, change the graphic, change the post time--the data collected will give you more information about what your audience likes most. 

Strategies for Resharing Older Posts

Before you just start blasting out old social posts, you need a strategy to maximize their impact and ensure they resonate with your audience. Simply reposting without a plan can lead to diminishing returns and audience fatigue. Here’s how to do it right: 

Start with Data

Repurposing old content doesn't make sense if your audience didn't care about it in the first place. Use your social and web analytics to identify the highest-performing posts and understand the actions they led to. Did your audience engage with the post? Click through to your site? Make a purchase?

Focus on resharing content that already demonstrated strong engagement and results. 

Know Your Audience

Spend time thinking about the specific users you're trying to reach, especially if it's a subset of your entire audience. This should influence how you revise or repurpose your content.

Tailoring your reshared posts to different segments can make them more relevant and engaging. 

Learn more: The best ways to target your audience online by age.

Revise Your Content 

Even if only a fraction of your social audience saw the original post, they won't appreciate seeing it again verbatim. Repurposing and resharing old social posts can save you time, but it still requires effort in the form of reimagining what was said or shown. Update your copy to reflect any new info or changes since the original post, or consider uploading new visuals or videos to make it feel fresh. Also, make sure that all the links and hashtags included in a post are still relevant and functional.

Change the Format

Just because you wrote a post the first time doesn't mean it has to stay in that format for subsequent shares. Consider converting written posts into short video summaries; likewise, take your video and turn it into a bulleted list of steps that users can take. For data-heavy posts, consider creating an eye-catching infographic, or build out slide decks for sharing on sites like LinkedIn or SlideShare. You can also compile related posts into one comprehensive guide or summary post.

Connect It with Milestone, Seasons or Themes

Consider resharing your posts on the anniversaries of key events or on milestones referenced in your original content. You can also use popular social themes like #ThrowbackThursday or #FlashbackFriday to resurface older content while adding a quick wink or "still holds up!" Seasonal or event-based resharing can also increase relevance and engagement.

Leverage the Commentary

Reignite the discussion by responding to old comments with a new post; you can also encourage your audience to share their current thoughts or updates on a topic. Take this tactic up a notch by connecting it with a contest or giveaway, incentivizing your audience to engage more deeply with the reshared content.

Make It a Habit

Make regular content resharing part of your social calendar, rather than just a trick for when your social pipeline is running low. Use social media management tools like SproutSocial to schedule your reshares at optimal times, so they reach your newest audience where and when it works best for them. Consistent resharing can keep your content evergreen and continuously engaging for new followers. 

By implementing these strategies, you can effectively extend the lifespan of your social media content, keeping it fresh and relevant while maximizing engagement and reach. If you need help taking your social strategy to the next level, give the experts at Informatics a call. 

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