What We Did

Doubled ISA’s ad clicks in one year

When Islamic Services of America (ISA) needed help building brand awareness in a crowded space, it turned to Informatics for a competitive website and digital marketing strategy.

Informatics’ teams started by creating a clean and modern web design, and then implemented a multi-pronged marketing strategy combining search engine advertising, SEO, and social content to tell their story and explain their differentiators in more depth.

In just one year, ISA Halal saw a 67% year over year increase in impressions, far exceeding industry averages, and ultimately earning it more market share. ISA Halal and the Informatics team continue to collaborate today to improve and multiply ISA’s digital presence.

iPhone Casestudies-ISA-MobilePhone.jpg


increase in LinkedIn organic impressions  


Google Ads click thru rate (3-4% average)


YoY increase in Google Search impressions





Certification Board | Education

Services Rendered

  • Web Design 
  • Web Development 
  • Analytics / Tracking 
  • Google Ads 
  • Search Engine Optimization

“We decided to expand our digital marketing efforts during the COVID-19 pandemic. With Informatics’ help, we were able to successfully launch Google and other online ads, and captured a bigger client market.” 

Mehnaz Afrin, Client Systems Administrator, Islamic Services of America 


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