Pinterest Opens Affiliate Link Availability

Jul 14, 2016 | Social Media

Your affiliate marketing campaign just got better! Learn more about the recent opening of affiliate links on Pinterest.

Pinterest Opens Affiliate Link Availability

Last February, Pinterest announced that it would automatically remove all affiliate links, redirects, and trackers on Pins because of issues with poor user experience, but that has now changed! On May 12th, Pinterest announced that they have enhanced their spam detection system. Affiliate links are not only allowed, but encouraged by Pinterest as a good way to increase network participation.

With over 100 million monthly active users, this is a great opportunity for affiliate publishers, but make sure you know the following policies and best practices when you set up your links and maximize your sales!

Policies Regarding Pinterest and Affiliate Links

  • If you are running a contest or promotion, such as a photo contest on social media, don’t require participants to pin a specific image or allow more than one entry per participant
  • Keep in mind that not all affiliate advertisers allow links on all platforms. Amazon, for example, does not support any affiliate links on Pinterest.
  • There are policies regarding disclosure of affiliate links. See the FTC Policy for more information.

Best Practices

  • Keep it ‘beautiful’: Striking images and lifestyle images are paramount on this platform. Pinterest’s CEO refers to it as keeping Pinterest “beautiful”. Use vertical images with text overlays, styled images, and strong descriptions. Avoid the use of product images and instead opt for project and idea photos that engage the users.
  • Keep it consistent: The pinned images should be consistent with the destination. If you are using additional redirects, this may be flagged as spam. Also, when possible try using a link shortener.
  • Keep mobile in mind: 80% of Pinterest’s traffic goes through their mobile app. Make sure your user checkout options are simple and mobile friendly!

If you want to learn more about affiliate marketing or are ready to start your program, contact us. We are here to help!

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