Search Engine Optimization FAQ Part 1

Sep 19, 2013 | Search Engine Optimization

In correlation with Episode 3, “Search Engine Optimization FAQ” from the “What’s in your Online Marketing Toolkit?” series, this blog recaps the first half of the most common SEO FAQs.


In correlation with Episode 3, “Search Engine Optimization FAQ” from the “What’s in your Online Marketing Toolkit” series, this blog recaps the first half of the most common SEO FAQs. Stop back tomorrow for the second round of FAQs.

FAQs Part 1

Question: What is SEO and why is it important?
Answer: Search Engine Optimization is the process of getting found within search engines. In order to be found among the millions of websites offering the same product or service, you need to optimize your website for the target keywords. It’s through this optimization process you can get found.

Question: Why is my website not on page one of Google?
Answer: It is probably not optimized for the target keywords. In addition, getting found in a search engine is an ongoing job and there are no guarantees that you will be number 1 on Google.

Question: Where do I start with SEO?
Answer: The first step is to review your current status. Second, determine your target keywords. Third create content. Continually monitor and repeat this process in order to maintain optimization.

Question: How do I determine target keywords?
Answer: Target keywords are the keywords or phrases you want to be found for online. These phrases come from what your users are searching for. Look at your statistics to get a better understanding of what users are currently typing in to find you.

Question: What makes a good content page?
Answer: A good content page is easy to read, informational, and contains your target keywords. In addition, a good content page is constantly updated with new content. Search Engines want to provide the newest information to the user, so they want to see new content being added on a regular basis.

Question: Why do I need other websites linking to mine?
Answer: The more inbound links (external domains directing visitors to your site) you have, the more likely you are to turn up in search engine results. Inbound links are seen as recommendations, but they must be of good quality.

We hope this Q&A helped with your understanding of SEO! Feel free to contact us any time of any day to ask us your SEO questions. Check back tomorrow for Part 2 of the SEO FAQs.

Make sure to watch the most recent episode of the “What’s in your Online Marketing Toolkit” series:
Search Engine Optimization FAQ

View Episode 1: Getting to Know SEO and Social Media
View Episode 2: Elements of SEO

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